Class Curriculum


  • Give examples of ways God is loving, kind and merciful
  • Identify a variety of names for God
  • Name and describe the leaders of the Church
  • List the seven sacraments
  • Identify the sacrament of initiation
  • Identify the sacraments of service/vocation
  • Recognize a list of the Ten Commandments
  • Define stewardship as being a person who has responsibility of caring for the things given
  • Understand Scripture as the written word of God
  • Learn the Apostle’s Creed and the prayer to the Holy Spirit
  • Appreciate the diverse roles of members in a community
  • Understand that Mary is the perfect example of discipleship
  • Explain that the mysteries of the Rosary detail and honor the lives of Jesus and Mary


  • Compare and order whole numbers to 10,000
  • Use expanded notation to represent numbers
  • Solve simple problems involving multiplication of multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
  • Solve division problems in which a multi-digit number is evenly divided by a one-digit number
  • Understand the special properties of 0 and 1 in multiplication and division
  • Identify and use relationships between operations, such as division as the inverse of multiplication, to solve and check problems
  • Add and subtract simple fractions
  • Calculate simple perimeters and areas
  • Determine whether an accurate or estimated measurement is appropriate
  • Recognize rectangles, squares, diamonds, hexagons as polygons
  • Determine which outcomes are most likely to occur in certain situations
  • Design appropriate questions for a survey and create a representation  of gathered data
  • Solve simple problems using a variety of strategies
  • Solve real-world problems involving measurements of length, weight, time, capacity and temperature
  • Identify the mean, median and mode in a set of numerical data
  • Record the possible outcomes for a simple event keep track of outcomes and display in a chart or graph


  • Know that it is important to keep accurate records and descriptions to provide information on causes of discrepancies
    in repeated experiments
  • Plan and investigate an experiment using all steps of the scientific method
  • Use various instruments to collect and analyze information
  • Use sketches, diagrams, graphs, and models to understand scientific ideas
  • Understand the relationship between science concepts and the history and contributions of scientists
  • Know the common and distinguishing characteristics of groups of vertebrate animals
  • Know that organisms with similar needs in a climate region compete for resources: food, water, etc.
  • Know behavioral and structural adaptations that allow plants and animals to survive
  • Understand that energy is transferred to living organisms through the food they eat
  • Explain and practice components of good healthy lifestyle and proper hygiene Know that approximately 75% of the surface
    of the earth is covered by water
  • Understand the processes of weathering and erosion
  • Know the six types of simple machines
  • Observe Newton’s Laws of Motion

Language Arts

  • Recognize and use complex word families when reading to decode unfamiliar words
  • Decode regular polysyllabic words
  • Read aloud fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation and expression
  • Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to clarify pronunciation and determine meaning of words
  • Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and features of unknown words
  • Use prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine meaning of words
  • Use root words to determine meaning and increase vocabulary
  • Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, captions, key words, glossaries, preview texts and indexes to locate
    information in a text
  • Identify important information from a text, including problems and solutions
  • Follow simple multiple-step written instructions
  • Comprehend basic plots of various texts
  • Determine the theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction
  • Recognize and appreciate the distinguishing features of different literary genres
  • Explain the development of plot, conflict resolution and motivation of the characters in text
  • Identify and use grade-appropriate literary terminology
  • Recognize cause and effect relationships in literary texts and identify ‘because’ as a clue word
  • Demonstrate comprehension, prediction, and creative skills by suggesting an alternative ending to a story
  • Demonstrate pre-writing strategies including selection of a main idea or central focus
  • Use basic features of page format in revisions
  • Revise drafts to improve coherence and logical progression of ideas by following an assessment rubric
  • Develop a topic sentence and include simple supportive facts and details
  • Identify and use verbs in writing Identify and use adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions
  • Identify the complete and simple subject (noun or pronoun) and predicate (verb)
  • Distinguish among a statement, an exclamation, a command and a question using context and/or end punctuation
  • Distinguish among a sentence, a sentence fragment and a run-on sentence
  • Use sentence variety effectively in writing and speaking
  • Follow the conventions of grade-appropriate punctuation, capitalization and spelling
  • Evaluate own and peer’s first draft using a rubric that includes criteria evaluating grammar, punctuation, vocabulary,
    development of central theme and overall clarity
  • Identify, read and write words correctly in cursive handwriting

Social Studies

  • Explain ways individuals, ideas, and decisions influenced past events as well as the present and future
  • Read and interprets a timeline identifying the chronological order of events and how it applies to events in literature,
    classroom discussions and research
  • Explain changes and developments in transportation and communication and how they affect the lives of people throughout
  • Identify and explains significant historical events with appropriate details
  • Explain how trade led to the exploration of other regions of the world
  • Identify aspects of family life common to all ages and regions through history
  • Illustrate that religious, racial, and ethnic diversity can be a source of strength or division for a country
  • Describe the earth’s shape and identify that it is one of the planets within the Solar System
  • Label the seven continents and five oceans on an outline map
  • Compare and contrasts ways physical environments throughout the world are similar and different
  • Explain reasons that certain areas of the world are more densely populated than others
  • Define government
  • Explain why governments are necessary
  • Identify local community’s leaders
  • Explain reasons for rules and laws
  • Identify ways that citizens participate in a democracy
  • Define capital and market economy
  • Differentiate among goods, services, and resources
  • Explain the use of money and the banking system
  • Compare and contrasts the benefits and consequences of a job successfully and unsuccessfully completed
  • Compare and contrasts communities of long ago with those of the present

Summer Work

Summer Work

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Class Supplies

Third Grade Supply List 2020-2021


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